Thursday, February 10, 2011

Crawling Back

After the final proposal of a relationship that turns for the unfortunate outcome, there comes a point where someone becomes weak or guilt filled. How after all the hurt is it okay to come crawling back to the one you made irrefutable, irreversible damage to. Is there ever a right time to make things okay? Some people feel the need to take the weight off their shoulders by apologizing just to make themselves feel better. This selfish act can be not only hurtful but should also be looked at as shameful. We've all been through the same old "I'm sorry lets be friends" song and dance. It doesn't work. From a young age we learn the opposite of this through television, we learn to go back to the one that hurt you because its not healthy to hold a grudge or people make mistakes or better yet third times a charm. So we let these people crawl back. But at what point do we say no?


Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Forgiving someone for doing something wrong once is one thing but when someone becomes a repeat offender, how many times are we supposed to forgive? Should everyone simply follow the three strikes and you're out rule? Why is it that some people exceed this three strike policy, is it because of low self worth or is it in hopes that magically there will be a glimmer of change? I feel that women have become so down on themselves because the three strike policy has been broken time and time again. Personally I feel there should be a one strike policy.. maybe two but three is pushing it. Because women have let little things slide and continue to forgive their mate, they are allowing this behavior to continue. Without consequences the behavior will not stop. In the long run, after all of the forgiving, is it really forgiveness if we can't forget?


Monday, February 7, 2011

Define This

Since we were little we learned what love should be from a very young age, by the influence of our elders. For the most part love was supposed to be cherished and sacred but in this day in age has the mysterious definition of love been skewed? To me the idealist definition of love means not having to worry about judgements, awkward silences, or even abandonment and getting to enjoy laughter, life, and even sex. What happened along the way to distort or better yet pervert the meaning of love? Was it the internet? Has it been the influence of the stupidity they show on television? Or is it pure laziness to make an effort for the ones you love?
